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19 Signs A Guy Is Playing It Cool

19 Signs A Guy Is Playing It Cool

19 Signs A Guy Is Playing It Cool

19 Signs A Guy Is Playing It Cool

By Vinita Team

By Vinita Team

By Vinita Team

By Vinita Team

If you’ve ever wondered if a guy is interested in you, but he seems to be playing it cool and not giving anything away, then this article is for you. We’re going to look at 19 signs that can help you figure out whether the guy is actually playing it cool, or just not interested.

1. He’s not making plans with you:

The first and most obvious sign that a guy is playing it cool is if he doesn’t make plans with you on a regular basis, or even at all. If he seems to be “too busy” to hang out, then chances are he may just not be that interested in spending time with you.

2. He’s Hot and Cold:

Another signs a guy is playing it cool is if his behavior towards you changes often – one minute he might be flirty and the next he could act like nothing ever happened. This kind of hot-and-cold behavior usually indicates that the guy isn’t sure what he wants from the relationship.

3. He’s Slow to Respond:

If he takes a long time to reply to your texts, emails or calls, it might be an indication that he is playing it cool. Even if you can excuse it as him being busy, the fact remains that if someone really wants to talk with you they will always find the time.

4. He Avoids Talking About Feelings:

If a guy avoids talking about feelings – his own and yours – then this could be a sign that he’s not interested in taking things further and is just playing it cool. It might also indicate that he’s scared of actually committing himself emotionally so it’s best to proceed with caution if this is the case.

5. He’s Non-Committal:

If a guy is playing it cool, then he might be hesitant to commit to any plans with you in the future. Whether it’s dinner next week or booking a holiday together, if he keeps putting off making any commitments that could indicate that he’s not ready to take things further.

6. He Gives You Mixed Signals:

A clear indication that someone is playing it cool is if they give you mixed signals about their feelings for you. One minute he might be flirting with you and the next minute he may ignore your calls or messages – this kind of behavior indicates that the guy is unsure how to express his feelings and so is taking a backseat and playing it cool.

7. He’s Vague About His Life:

If a guy is telling you all about himself, but is strangely vague when it comes to specifics then this could be an indication that he’s not interested in taking things further with you. Playing it cool usually involves keeping details of your life close to the chest so that others can’t get too close.

8. He Cancels Plans Last Minute:

One signs a guy is playing it cool, especially if you’ve been dating for a while, is if he cancels plans last minute without explaining why or without offering an alternative date. This kind of behavior indicates that the guy isn’t sure how to handle the relationship and so is taking a step back.

9. He’s Keeping You at Arm’s Length:

If the guy you like seems to be distancing himself from you, either physically or emotionally, then this could be an indication that he’s not interested in taking things further with you and so is playing it cool.

10. He Asks Loaded Questions:

Another signs a guy is playing it cool is if he starts asking loaded questions such as “Are you seeing anyone else?” or “Do you want to take things further?” These kinds of questions indicate that the guy isn’t sure what he wants but might be wanting to gauge your feelings before committing himself fully to the relationship.

11. He Flirts with Other People:

If the guy you like is openly flirting with other people while he’s around you, then chances are he’s playing it cool and isn’t actually interested in taking things further. This kind of behavior is often a sign that someone is trying to keep their options open and doesn’t want to commit solely to one person.

12. He Avoids Being Alone with You:

One signs a guy is playing it cool and isn’t interested in taking things further is if he consistently avoids being alone with you. Whether it’s always suggesting group activities or always bringing a friend along, this kind of behavior may indicate that the guy doesn’t want to get too close to you and would rather keep the relationship platonic.

13. He Avoids Intimacy:

If a guy is playing it cool then signs could include him avoiding physical or emotional intimacy. This might mean that he’s not ready to take things further and so is keeping his distance in order to protect himself emotionally.

14. He Makes Excuses:

If a guy is consistently making excuses as to why he can’t see you or spend time with you then this could be signs that he’s not actually interested in taking things further and is instead playing it cool.

15. He Talks About Other Women:

Another signs a guy is playing it cool is if he brings up other women when you’re together or talks about his exes. This kind of behavior usually indicates that the guy isn’t ready to commit himself to one person and wants to keep all his options open.

16. He Changes the Subject:

If the guy you like keeps changing the subject whenever you bring up serious topics such as relationships and feelings, then this might be signs that he’s not ready to take things further and is playing it cool instead.

17. He Makes Jokes:

If a guy jokes about his feelings for you or the relationship then this could be signs that he’s trying to avoid taking things too seriously and so is essentially “playing it cool”.

18. He Deletes Text Messages:

Another signs a guy is playing it cool is if he deletes text messages and emails from you as soon as you send them, or doesn’t respond to your messages at all. This kind of behavior usually indicates that someone isn’t interested in taking things further with you, but also doesn’t want to hurt your feelings by saying so directly. 

19. He Fades Out of Sight:

If a guy suddenly stops calling, texting or seeing you altogether then this is usually signs that he’s not interested in taking the relationship further and has decided to “play it cool” by simply disappearing from your life.


When it comes to relationships, playing it cool can be tricky business and if you’re unsure whether the guy you like is doing just that then looking out for these signs can help. While signs such as avoiding intimacy, making jokes or changing the subject may all point towards someone trying to play it cool, only he will know for sure what his intentions are and so ultimately it’s a good idea to ask him directly about how he feels about the relationship if you want to know for sure.