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Feb 1, 2024

Feb 1, 2024

Feb 1, 2024

20 Signs of An Entanglement

20 Signs of An Entanglement

20 Signs of An Entanglement

20 Signs of An Entanglement

By Vinita Team

By Vinita Team

By Vinita Team

By Vinita Team

If you’re in a relationship, it’s important to watch out for signs of an entanglement. Entanglement is when two people are emotionally and physically involved in a way that creates confusion, difficulty in making decisions, or even physical and mental distress. It can be hard to spot signs of an entanglement as they often occur gradually and can look different depending on the situation. Here are 20 signs that you’re in an entanglement:

1. You feel like your partner is controlling or manipulating you.

If your partner often tries to control or manipulate you into doing things they want, it could be a sign of an entanglement. They may try to guilt you into staying with them, or use other tactics to make you stay.

2. You’re not sure if your feelings are real.

If you find yourself questioning the depth of your feelings for your partner, it could be a sign that the relationship isn’t healthy. If you feel like your emotions aren’t genuine and more of a reflex, it could be a sign of an entanglement.

3. You’re not sure if you want to stay or leave.

If you find yourself unable to make decisions regarding your relationship without consulting someone else, it may be a sign that you’re in an entanglement. If the thought of leaving feels like a relief but also causes anxiety and confusion, this is another sign that something isn’t right.

4. You feel “stuck” in the relationship.

If you feel like there’s no way out of the relationship, it could be a signs of an entanglement. This can often happen when one partner has more power or control than the other, creating a feeling of being “trapped”.

5. You’re having difficulty envisioning a life without them.

If you find it difficult to imagine yourself without your partner, it could be an indication that the relationship has become too enmeshed and unhealthy. This can often happen when someone relies too heavily on their partner for emotional or physical support and finds it hard to let go of this connection.

6. Your identity feels intertwined with theirs.

If you feel like your sense of self is tied up in another person, this can be a sign of an entanglement. If you no longer feel like you have any independence or autonomy within the relationship, this is cause for concern.

7. You feel pressured to do things.

If your partner is pressuring you to do things that make you uncomfortable or against your better judgement, this can be a sign of an entanglement. This could include anything from spending money on them, participating in their hobbies, or even just being around them when you don’t want to.

8. You’re dependent on the other person for validation.

If you find yourself constantly seeking approval and validation from your partner, it’s time to take a step back and reevaluate the relationship. An unhealthy level of dependence on someone else can lead to feelings of insecurity and low self-esteem.

9. You feel like something is missing in the relationship but you’re not sure what it is. 

If you feel like something is missing in the relationship but can’t put your finger on what it is, this could be a sign of an entanglement. This sense of dissatisfaction may arise from feeling stifled or trapped in the relationship.

10. Your partner often takes advantage of you.

If your partner tends to take advantage of you financially, emotionally, or physically, this can be a sign that they don’t respect boundaries and are manipulating you. If they consistently act selfishly with no regard for your feelings, it’s time to reassess the relationship.

11. You’re second-guessing yourself constantly.

It’s natural to have doubts and misgivings about a relationship, but if you’re constantly second-guessing yourself and your decisions it could be a sign of an entanglement. If you’re feeling confused or anxious about the relationship, it may be time to step back and reevaluate what’s going on.

12. You have trouble expressing yourself around them.

If you find that you can’t communicate your needs or desires with your partner without fear of judgement or criticism, this could be a sign that something is wrong in the relationship. Feeling unable to express yourself honestly and openly is indicative of an unhealthy dynamic.

13. Your emotions are extreme when they’re around.

If your feelings when your partner is around range from intense joy to crippling anxiety and despair, this can be a sign of an entanglement. Having extreme reactions to the presence of someone else is usually an indication that the relationship has become unbalanced.

14. You have trouble making decisions without them.

If you find it difficult to make decisions without consulting your partner first, this could mean that you’ve become overly dependent on them for guidance and validation. Making sure to take time for yourself and think through decisions by yourself is essential in any healthy relationship.

15. You’re worried about what they’ll think or say before doing something.

If you often feel anxious or worried about how your partner will react when you do something, it’s a sign that they may have too much control in the relationship. It’s important to remember that no one should have the power to influence or control your decisions.

16. You feel like you’re walking on eggshells around them.

If you find yourself constantly trying to please your partner and avoid conflict, this could be a sign of an entanglement. This can create an environment where you don’t feel comfortable expressing yourself authentically and honestly, which is essential for any healthy relationship.

17. You often find yourself making excuses for their behavior. 

If you find yourself making excuses for why your partner has acted a certain way or defending them even when they’ve done something wrong, it’s likely a sign of an unhealthy entanglement. People in healthy relationships aren’t afraid to hold each other accountable and take responsibility for their own actions.

18. Your partner has become overly possessive or jealous.

Possessiveness and jealousy can be signs of unhealthy dependence, as your partner may feel threatened by any attention or affection you show anyone else. If this possessive behavior is making you feel uncomfortable or trapped in the relationship, it’s time to reevaluate what’s going on.

19. You feel like you have to put in effort but never get anything back constantly. 

Relationships should be balanced — if one person is always putting in more effort than the other without getting anything in return, this could be a sign of an entanglement. This type of dynamic can lead to resentment and frustration in the relationship, so it’s important to make sure both parties are able to give and receive.

20. You feel trapped or like you can’t get out of the relationship.

If you feel like no matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to escape from the relationship, this is a clear sign of an entanglement. If you’re feeling like your partner has complete control over your life and happiness, it’s time to take a step back and reassess what’s going on in your relationship.


Remember, if any of these signs sound familiar or if you find yourself thinking that something may be wrong with your relationship, it’s important to take a step back and reassess what’s going on. No one should have to be in an unhealthy or unbalanced relationship, so make sure to take the necessary steps to establish a healthy and balanced dynamic with your partner.  If you’re feeling overwhelmed or like you need help, don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance from friends and family, or even professional counseling.  Any relationship can become healthier and stronger with the right amount of effort and communication!